KIKA (Crane users in Nuclear Facilities) is a network specifically directed towards lifting processes within the nuclear power industry or other operations where nuclear material is lifted. Participants in the network are from Sweden and Finland. The members of KIKA are the NPPs in Sweden and Finland (Forsmark, Oskarshamn, Ringhals, Loviisa and TVO), together with Barsebäck, SKB, SVAFO and Studsvik.
The aim of KIKA is to unite and support each other when it comes to questions of safety and the exchange of experience with the lifting area. KIKA was started in 1999, at the time with members from Sweden only. Since then Finland with Loviisa and TVO has joined. Since its inception, KIKA has developed common competence requirements for inhouse inspection, crane operators, slingers, signalmen and lifting leaders.
Milestones for KIKA
1999First meeting
2001Common competence requirements for inhouse inspection
2004Common competence requirements for crane operators, slingers, signalmen and lifting leaders
2006Special information about new EN-standards (EN-13001, EN-13135 etc) by Ilkka Riikonen and Hannu Rantala
2007Loviisa and TVO (Finland) became members
2008First Nuclear Cranes Seminar was held in Växjö, Sweden
2010Second Nuclear Cranes Seminar was held in Växö, Sweden
2014Fourth edition of KIKA TS (Technical specification) is released.