Lifting Devices in Nuclear Facilities: Design of Cranes, from Standard to Practice Mankind consists of two major fractions, theoreticians and practicians on either end of the scale and thousand shades of grey between the extremes. High technology applications demand creative…Read more
Lifting Devices in Nuclear Facilities: Sweden Finally Introduces Detailed New Regulations There has been one minor crack in the solid wall of safety regulations in the Swedish nuclear industry, as the machine directive excludes machinery specially designed or put into…Read more
German Philosophy – KTA Standards set the Direction The German KTA standards (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss) have been a pattern for many standards and regulations in other countries, somewhat similar to the role of the German automotive industry. But what will be…Read more
US-born Steve Meng started his career as Technical Programme Manager at WANO, the global organisation for the nuclear industry, in May 2008. He graduated from the US Merchant Marine Academy of New York and he is a specialist in both…Read more
One of the most honoured guests in Växjö was Bradford P. Lytle from the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA. He has a profound experience of one of the most demanding operational environments for lifting equipment, the space centre,…Read more
Norbert Schilling, born in 1962, graduated from the University of Braunschweig, Germany, with his main subject Crane Design. Later he worked as a researcher at the university before joining NKM Noell in 1994, now a part of the French Reel…Read more
“The reason why I and my colleague, Mr. Peter Merck, decided to participate in the Nuclear Cranes Seminar was the need to update the Swedish rules and regulations concerning cranes and lifting devices in nuclear power plants. According to the…Read more
Ulla Vuorio from STUK, the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, is now working as a seconded national expert in the small town of Petten in the Netherlands. She is a Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre Institute for…Read more
Belgians are good at linking other nations together. Sébastien De Grève from the Belgian Technical Safety Organisation Bel-V is no exception. He managed to get more than 25 people from 8 countries, representing 6 safety authorities, to stay one extra…Read more
Masakatsu Inagaki was probably the most exotic lecturer at the 2010 KIKA NCS seminar. He flew all the way from Japan to Sweden to give the audience a view of the tests and research performed at the Seismic Safety Division…Read more